Dermatologists and aesthetic professionals have used lasers for years to treat various skin concerns and are renowned for producing significant rejuvenating effects.
In the 1980s, laser treatment became a standard skin resurfacing technique for improving acne scars and reducing the fine wrinkles, pigmentation, and uneven skin tone caused by ageing.
However, these benefits came at a cost in terms of discomfort and considerable downtime, which lasted several weeks as the skin healed after treatment.
The CO2 fractional lasers used at Coppergate Clinic are very different from these early lasers.
They offer gentler skin resurfacing without compromising on the beauty benefits.
Read on to discover how the rejuvenating effects of laser treatment have improved and how CO2 laser resurfacing technologies could transform your skin.
What is traditional laser skin resurfacing?
Traditional laser treatment uses a single laser beam to destroy the epidermis, the superficial layer of the skin.
The results of this type of laser treatment can be significant, as acne scars, lines and wrinkles, and pigmentation are all removed along with the epidermis.
However, there are several drawbacks to this type of skin rejuvenation.
Traditional laser resurfacing cannot be used with a high degree of precision, and often, undamaged skin is removed during the procedure. Removing such a large skin area is inevitably painful, resulting in severe redness, which can take several weeks to heal completely.
In addition, traditional laser skin resurfacing treatment is unsuitable for all skin colours. It can cause scarring or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation if used on darker skin types.
CO2 laser skin resurfacing treatment
In recent years, laser skin resurfacing treatment has developed into a much more sophisticated treatment.
CO2 fractional laser resurfacing provides superior skin rejuvenating effects but with a quicker healing period and, therefore, less downtime. The treated skin will still be red and sensitive after the treatment session, but this will resolve within days rather than the weeks required after traditional laser treatment.
Fractionated lasers use pulses of laser light instead of continuous laser light. The laser energy penetrates the skin, vapourising the epidermis, or superficial layer, of damaged skin.
Unlike traditional laser treatments, the CO2 laser can be used with great precision, leaving the epidermis intact when no treatment is necessary. Small areas of damage, like sun spots, can be treated without affecting surrounding tissue.
Fractional lasers also raise the temperature of the tissues in the middle layer, the dermis, which stimulates increased collagen production and speeds up the turnover of fresh skin cells. Collagen is the protein that makes youthful skin smooth and firm, and the lack of it in older skin is responsible for the development of skin laxity and fine wrinkles.
CO2 laser resurfacing restores smoother, clearer skin but also has a skin-tightening and lifting effect due to the increased collagen levels in the skin present in the skin after treatment.
This form of laser skin resurfacing can be safely used on a range of darker skin tones.
But are lasers safe?
Despite their sci-fi associations, laser systems are some of the most versatile tools in aesthetic medicine. From laser hair removal to facial rejuvenation, lasers are used safely in clinics worldwide with excellent results.
Medical professionals also use lasers to treat some of the body’s most sensitive and delicate areas. For example, laser eye surgery to correct eye problems is now commonplace.
The laser systems we use at Coppergate Clinic safely and effectively provide stunning skin rejuvenation on the face and body.
Am I a good candidate for CO2 fractional skin resurfacing?
CO2 fractional lasers result in a high level of skin rejuvenation and can treat a range of skin conditions.
At your initial consultation, your doctor will assess your skin and suggest the type of laser treatment that will give you your desired results.
What can CO2 laser skin resurfacing do for ageing skin?
If you are concerned about the signs of skin ageing, such as lines and wrinkles, enlarged pores, coarse skin texture, uneven skin tone, and age spots, you may want to consider laser skin resurfacing.
The high level of collagen growth produces a skin-tightening effect that can restore the contours of lax skin.
The benefits of fractional lasers for younger skin
Fractional laser resurfacing is also a highly effective treatment for acne scars and sun damage that can appear on young skin.
If you are interested in learning more about the rejuvenating skin effects that we achieve with CO2 fractional lasers, you can contact us by phoning 01904 675 222 or emailing us at [email protected]
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