
Dermal Filler

Teosyal® products are injectable dermal fillers. Teosyal® fillers are created by Teoxane Laboratories according to a patented process, making it possible to meet the specific requirements of mobile facial areas.

The technology used for Teoxane fillers better preserves the natural characteristics of the hyaluronic acid molecules to obtain gels with high purity, close to the natural content of hyaluronic acid in the skin.

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Teosyal® fillers are a popular treatment choice for addressing tear troughs, smile lines and crow’s feet around the eyes. This is because Teosyal® is a long-lasting dermal product with a hyaluronic acid base.

As a result Teosyal® products  provide structural support for the skin, softens the visual look of the skin without compromising facial expressions, and maintains the virality and hydration of the face. The Teoxane fillers that are used by Teosyal® work by preserving – or replacing – the hyaluronic acid that exists naturally in our facial skin.

Coppergate Clinic are proud to use Teosyal dermal fillers within the following procedures:

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