Age Spots

Most commonly, age spots occur as a result of excess production of melanin, or skin pigment. There is no definite reason as to why age spots occur, although it is believed that ageing of the skin, exposure to the sun, and other forms of ultraviolet (UV) exposure, like the ones provided from tanning beds, could be potentially contributing to the development of age/skin sun spots.

Most people tend to develop age spots on the parts of the skin that receive the most sunlight and exposure to the sun, such as: face, back of hands, shoulders, upper back, and forearms.

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Age spots can be described as flat brown, grey, or even black spots on the surface of the skin. Age spots can also be referred to as skin sun spots or liver spots. While most age spots are not dangerous and don’t cause any health risk problems, some people are keen to reduce the appearance of these spots, particularly where they occur on the face.

Coppergate Clinic offers a range of treatments for age spots on the face and body. These treatment options include dermalux light therapy, obagi medical facials, peels and resurfacers, and fractional skin resurfacing to name but a few.

To find out more about what we can do to lessen the appearance of age spots please don’t hesitate to get in touch today.

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