An oily face is not just a problem reserved for our teenage years. Oily skin is caused by the sebaceous glands in the skin, which work to create too much sebum. This excess sebum can clog pores and result in acne.
Whilst oily skin can be frustrating to care for, Coppergate Clinic’s team of expert Aestheticians are on hand to help advise you on the very best treatment options.
There are a number of very effective treatments available from Coppergate Clinic to manage and control the excess production of sebum which leads to the appearance of an oily face.
Our team of aesthetic therapists can help you choose the most appropriate treatment option for an oily face, to remove excess oil from your skin and boost your confidence.
To find out more, contact us and a member of our helpful team will be in touch with you to discuss your requirements.
Facelift surgery to address the effects of the ageing process has been around for over a century, but the techniques now available provide natural-looking results that would amaze those first pioneers.
Read on to discover how the rejuvenating effects of laser treatment have improved and how CO2 laser resurfacing technologies could transform your skin.