Sun Damage

Sun damaged skin is usually the result of overexposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays.

Sun damaged skin on the face is often a result of sunburn. This causes the top layer of skin to release chemicals, triggering swollen blood vessels which release fluid. Whilst the dead skin eventually peels to reveal healthy new skin, the damage of sunburn remains, although it’s not visible. 

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While there are many things we can do to prevent sun damaged skin, these are not helpful for skin that has already been damaged. Moisturisers and serums can relieve symptoms, but if you want to reduce the visible appearance of sun damage on your face it may be necessary to consider a course of in-clinic treatments. 

Coppergate Clinic offers a range of procedures that can reduce the visible effects of sun damaged skin.

To find out more, get in touch with us.

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