Line & Wrinkle Relaxing Treatment

Anti-Wrinkle Injections

Using a purified protein called Botulinum Toxin Type A, our medical team can quickly and effectively reduce facial expression lines and wrinkles, also known as dynamic lines and wrinkles. Botulinum Toxin Type A, also known as Botox™, Azzalure™, Dysport™ and Bocouture is a prescription-only medication that works to deliver wrinkle relaxing treatments. By law Botox™, Azzalure™, Dysport™ and Bocouture™ can only be prescribed by a qualified nurse, independent prescriber or doctor.



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Once injected, Botulinum Toxin Type A relaxes the specific facial muscles that cause unwanted lines on the face. Line and wrinkle relaxing treatment can effectively target problem areas such as deep creases between the brows (frown lines), crow’s feet and horizontal forehead lines. Once the anti wrinkle treatment has taken full effect, these creases, fine lines and wrinkles at the treatment site will appear dramatically reduced, resulting in a smoother complexion.


  • What is a line and wrinkle relaxing treatment?

    Using a purified protein called Botulinum Toxin Type A, our medical team can quickly and effectively reduce facial expression lines and wrinkles, also known as dynamic lines and wrinkles. Botulinum Toxin Type A, also known as Botox™, Azzalure™, Dysport™ and Bocouture is a prescription-only medication that works to deliver wrinkle relaxing treatments. By law Botox™, Azzalure™, Dysport™ and Bocouture™ can only be prescribed by a qualified nurse, independent prescriber, or doctor.

  • How does the treatment work?

    Botulinum Toxin Type A works as a wrinkle relaxing treatment by blocking impulses to the tiny facial muscles so that they do not contract. This anti-wrinkle treatment in turn causes a long-term reduction in the appearance of unwanted lines and wrinkles. Injected muscles temporarily ‘hibernate’; the effect of the wrinkle relaxing treatment wears off gradually over time and the muscle itself is not damaged.

  • How is the treatment carried out?

    As every patient’s anti wrinkle treatment goals are completely unique to them, a detailed consultation with an aesthetic doctor or nurse is essential prior to undergoing any advanced non-surgical treatment. During your wrinkle relaxing treatment consultation, you will have the opportunity to discuss any problem areas, desired improvements, options available (including no treatment at all) and expected outcomes.

    Should a line and wrinkle relaxing treatment be agreed upon as the most suitable treatment, the Botulinum Toxin Type A will be injected directly into the muscles that are responsible for contraction using an ultra-fine needle. These injections are virtually painless, therefore they require no anaesthetic.

  • What results should I expect?

    Once the Botulinum Toxin has taken full effect, creases, fine lines and wrinkles at the treatment site will appear reduced, resulting in a smoother, more rested complexion. Depending on the muscles treated brows may also be lifted. The effects of the treatment tend to develop gradually, with the optimum result reached after approximately 14 days. Results generally last approximately 12 weeks and clinical studies have shown that treatment benefits are cumulative and increase over time.

  • How does the treatment feel?

    As the needle used to inject the Botulinum Toxin is ultra-fine, this wrinkle relaxing treatment is virtually painless and therefore requires no anaesthetic. In fact, many clients genuinely report hardly feeling the injections at all.

  • Is there any downtime?

    There is no downtime as such, indeed it is possible to have this treatment in a lunch break and return straight back to work. The Botulinum Toxin usually takes up to 2 weeks to reach optimum effect, so results appear gradually.

    The risk of side effects is minimal, however as with any injectable treatment some patients may experience mild localised bruising, redness or swelling at the injection site.

    Thorough cleansing of the skin prior to treatment and careful placement of each of the injections helps us to ensure these risks are as minimal as possible.


Crow's Feet
Frown Lines
Horizontal Forehead Lines

Anaesthetic Type

Virtually painless, requiring no anaesthetic

Procedure Time

30 minutes


Injectable, purified protein (Botulinum Toxin Type A) temporarily relaxes facial muscles


Once the toxin has taken full effect- usually within 2 weeks- creases, fine lines and wrinkles will appear dramatically reduced


None as such, indeed it is possible to have this treatment in a lunch break and return straight back to work


Results generally last approximately 12 weeks. Clinical studies have shown that treatment benefits are cumulative and increase over time


Please see the price list page for more details

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