
Arm Reduction Surgery

Excess upper arm skin (‘Bingo wings’) causes functional and aesthetic concerns.

The skin quality changes as we age and weight fluctuation can cause folds of redundant skin to develop around the upper arm. This may affect your confidence and make you reluctant to wear sleeveless shirts and dresses.

Removal of the excess skin can be done to help alleviate concerns through a simple surgical procedure.



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  • how is the procedure carried out?

    A detailed consultation with a consultant plastic surgeon is essential before undergoing any procedure of this nature. During the brachioplasty consultation, your surgeon will discuss any problem areas, desired improvements, options available (including no treatment at all), and expected outcomes.

    Should brachioplasty be agreed upon as the most suitable treatment, the procedure will be carried out by your surgeon in our operating theatre.

    The surgery may be performed under a local or a general anaesthetic, and usually takes around two hours to complete. The redundant skin is carefully measured and marked for removal. If there is excess fatty tissue present, this may be reduced and the arm contoured with liposuction. The skin edges are carefully approximated and closed with dissolving stitches, and the application of dressings completes the procedure.

    During the surgery, you will be looked after by our highly experienced and caring medical team.

    The surgery is usually done as a day case and recovery is straightforward.


  • how does the procedure feel?

    Brachioplasty surgery may be performed under a local or a general anaesthetic to ensure total comfort for the duration of the procedure.

  • what results should I expect?

    Results from a brachioplasty are generally very good. Despite leaving a visible scar on the inner aspect of the arm, satisfaction rates are high.

  • where will the scar be?

    The brachioplasty scar will usually be tucked away on the inner aspect of the upper arm.

  • is there any downtime?

    Showering may commence the day after surgery with light exercise possible immediately.

  • when can I return to the gym?

    Light exercise may be started immediately but lifting the arms above the head and stretching exercises should be avoided for the first two to three weeks after your brachioplasty procedure.

  • Can this be combined with liposuction?

    Yes. If needed, the fat of the upper arm may be re-contoured with Liposuction.


Upper Arm

Anaesthetic Type

The procedure is carried out under local or general anaesthetic to ensure the patient's total comfort for the duration of the procedure

Procedure Time

120 mins


Redundant skin is gently removed and the edges sealed with dissolvable stitches


Results from a brachioplasty are generally very good. Despite leaving a visible scar on the inner aspect of the arm, satisfaction rates are high


Gentle showering may commence the day after surgery with light exercise possible immediately


Excess skin is permanently removed


From £7,495

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