Breast Augmentation

Breast Implants

Breast augmentation is typically recommended for patients who are dissatisfied with their breast size and shape. Either the breast has failed to adequately develop, leading to an unbalanced figure, or the breast has changed as a result of life events such as pregnancy or weight loss.

Breast augmentation surgery at Coppergate Clinic is performed by our highly experienced consultant plastic surgeons. The volume of the breast may be increased with either breast implants or fat transfer, also known as fat injections.



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  • How are the appropriate breast implants selected?

    Breast implants have been used as a part of breast augmentation surgery for over 40 years to increase the volume and improve the shape of the breasts. In selecting a breast implant, it is essential to make the selection from a trusted manufacturer with the reassurance of an effective warranty and good long term scientific data on safety and durability.

    A wide range of breast implants are available that can be used to reshape the breast; from simply adding subtle volume to adding more significant fullness and volume.

    Breast implants come in a variety of different shapes and sizes. Usually made from silicone, they can be filled with different firmnesses of gel to form an implant that matches your specific needs.

    In selecting a breast implant, your surgeon will carefully assess your breasts, taking note of your chest dimensions and overall build. They will then discuss your desires for the final breast shape and volume.

    After thorough consideration, the final breast implant will be selected. It is never wise to exceed the recommended width of an implant, as this may lead to an unusually proportioned breast with a displacement of the nipple from the centre of the breast.

    Breast implants are now much more durable and are manufactured to a very high standard. Rigid quality control measures are in place to ensure consistency. Whilst this has made them much safer than in the past, they should not be considered to last a lifetime.

    Eventually, they wear out and consequently may require replacement. It is therefore imperative that you fully understand the long-term implications of having breast implants. During the consultation process with your surgeon, the likelihood of developing problems will be discussed thoroughly.

    The most important part of breast augmentation surgery is the careful planning and implant selection that occurs before the operation itself.

  • How is a breast augmentation procedure carried out?

    A thorough consultation with a consultant plastic surgeon is essential prior to undergoing any surgical procedure, particularly for breast augmentation. During the consultation, your surgeon will discuss any problem areas, desired improvements, various options, and expected outcomes of the breast augmentation procedure.

    Should breast augmentation surgery be agreed upon as the most suitable treatment, the procedure will be carried out by your surgeon in our operating theatre.

    The surgical insertion of breast implants is generally straightforward and takes around two hours to perform. A small incision is made underneath the breast and is situated so that the resultant fine scar will sit within or slightly above the breast crease.

    A “pocket” is then created to the exact dimensions of the breast implant; either above or partly beneath the chest muscle. The muscle should be considered as a means to add an extra layer of tissue to effectively disguise the implant.

    Therefore, it follows that if you are slimmer with little natural breast tissue, you would be better served by placing the implant under the muscle so that the edges of the implant are less visible. If you have a naturally fuller figure, the natural breast tissue will provide adequate cover.

    The breast implants are then carefully inserted and accurately positioned to ensure that they are sitting as intended. Internal stitches are occasionally used to maintain implant position. The skin edges are then closed with dissolvable stitches and very light dressings are applied.

  • How does a breast augmentation procedure feel?

    Breast augmentation surgery is carried out under general anaesthetic to ensure total comfort for the duration of the procedure.

  • is there any downtime?

    Breast augmentation is usually performed as a day case under a general anaesthetic. Our highly experienced medical team will be on hand during your stay to care for your needs.

    After breast augmentation surgery, it is normal to be a little tender over the chest area. Normally, you will need a couple of weeks off work and will need to avoid vigorous exercise for around six weeks.

    Light exercise may be recommenced immediately, however. Showering is permitted on the second postoperative day. It is essential to wear a sports bra during the day and at night in the weeks following the surgery. The breast implants can take a few weeks to settle into position and it is quite normal for them to look a little high initially.

  • what are the principles of breast aesthetics?

    The breast should be harmonious with the overall body shape. It should complement the female form and balance the figure. The size of the breast may reflect a person’s character and if such a thing ever exists, perfect breasts should be symmetrical, rounded with a full and a very slightly concaved upper pole.

    The nipple should be situated slightly above the mid point of the breast. For all of our breast enhancement and breast augmentation surgeries, we aim to achieve all of the above.

  • what factors influence breast aesthetics?

    The developing shape of the breast is determined by our genetic makeup and influenced by hormonal and other metabolic processes. Over time, the breast will undergo changes influenced by life events.

    With weight gain and loss the breast may increase and decrease in size as body fat changes. The associated skin may stretch and then slacken.

    During pregnancy, the breast volume will increase with a growth in glandular and fatty tissue. The breast will become fuller as the body prepares for lactation. During lactation, there is an increase in the size of the glandular elements.

    After pregnancy and lactation, the breast tissue will involute and as a consequence the breast will often appear under filled. The skin of the breast may become more loose, and as the suspension ligaments of the breast become stretched, the breast may become more droopy (ptotic).

    As you progress towards the menopause, the breast loses its glandular elements and becomes more fatty. The consequence of this is that the firmness and fullness of the breast decreases and they may become slightly larger.



Anaesthetic Type

Breast augmentation surgery is carried out under general anaesthetic to ensure the patient's total comfort for the duration of the procedure

Procedure Time

120 minutes


A small incision is made under the breast and a “pocket” is created to the exact dimensions of the breast implant before they are carefully inserted


The volume of the breast is increased with breast implants


Gentle showering can commence the day after breast augmentation surgery. Vigorous exercise and activities should be avoided for six weeks


Eventually, breast implants wear out and consequently may require replacement. The long term implications of Breast Enhancement will be thoroughly discussed at the consultation stage


From £6,995

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