Breast Mastopexy

Breast Uplift

Genetic makeup, hormonal changes, weight gain and loss and the ageing process can all cause changes to breast size and the associated skin may stretch and then slacken.

A breast lift, otherwise known as a mastopexy or breast uplift, involves lifting and reshaping the nipple and surrounding skin.

The inside of the breast is reshaped to redistribute volume to the upper pole and the skin is tightened as necessary to give an aesthetically pleasing shape.



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  • what is breast uplift surgery?

    Breast lift surgery, otherwise known as a mastopexy or breast uplift, involves lifting and reshaping the nipple and surrounding skin, reshaping the inside of the breast to redistribute volume to the upper pole and tightening the skin as necessary to give an aesthetically pleasing shape.

    The harmonious breast involves matching the filling (breast tissue) with the envelope (breast skin).

    If there is an excessive amount of skin after stretching, tightening may be required to help achieve an attractive shape. If more filling is introduced into the breast, the skin will eventually become tight, but usually, this will result in a breast size larger than one would accept.

    It is important to realise that no volume is added with this procedure and whilst the shape will be improved, the addition of an implant or fat transfer to the breasts can give more fullness if desired.

  • how is the procedure carried out?

    A detailed consultation with a consultant plastic surgeon is essential prior to undergoing any surgical procedure, including a breast uplift.

    Should Breast Uplift Surgery be agreed upon as the most suitable treatment, the procedure will be carried out by your surgeon in our newly refurbished operating theatre.

    The procedure is usually performed under a general anaesthetic which is administered by one of our highly experienced consultant anaesthetists.

    Prior to surgery, the breasts are marked and the operation is carefully planned. The procedure usually takes two hours to perform and it involves lifting and reshaping the nipple and surrounding skin, reshaping the inside of the breast to redistribute volume to the upper pole and tightening the skin as necessary to give an aesthetically pleasing shape. The surgical incisions are carefully closed with dissolving sutures beneath the skin and light dressings are applied.

  • how does the procedure feel?

    Breast Uplift Surgery is carried out under general anaesthetic to ensure the patient’s total comfort for the duration of the procedure.

  • Will the area be painful after surgery?

    It is usual to experience some mild discomfort after a breast lift, but this will settle as normal healing progresses.

  • is there any downtime?

    Breast uplift surgery is usually performed as a day case under a general anaesthetic.

    Depending on your circumstances, it is possible to stay overnight at Coppergate Clinic in one of our luxuriously appointed rooms. Our highly experienced medical team will be on hand during your stay to care for your needs.

    After a breast lift, it is normal to be a little tender over the chest area. Normally, you will need a couple of weeks off work and will need to avoid vigorous exercise for around six weeks.

    Showering is permitted on the second postoperative day. It is essential to wear a sports bra during the day and at night in the weeks following the breast uplift surgery.

  • what are the principles of breast aesthetics?

    The breast should be harmonious with the overall body shape. It should complement the female form and balance the figure. The size of the breast may reflect a person’s character.

    If such a thing ever exists, perfect breasts should be symmetrical, rounded with upper pole fullness and a very slightly concave upper pole. The nipple should be situated slightly above the midpoint of the breast.

  • What factors influence breast aesthetics?

    The developing shape of the breast is determined by our genetic makeup and influenced by hormonal and other metabolic processes. Over time, the breast will undergo changes influenced by life events.

    With weight gain and loss the breast may increase and decrease in size as body fat changes. The associated skin may stretch and then slacken.

    During pregnancy, the breast volume will increase with a growth in glandular and fatty tissue. The breast will become fuller as the body prepares for lactation. During lactation, there is an increase in the size of these glandular elements.

    After pregnancy and lactation, the breast tissue will involute and as a consequence the breast will often appear under filled. The skin of the breast may become more loose, and as the suspension ligaments of the breast become stretched, the breast may become more droopy (ptotic).

    As you progress towards the menopause, the breast loses its glandular elements and becomes more fatty. The consequence of this is that the firmness and fullness of the breast decreases and they may become slightly larger.



Anaesthetic Type

The procedure is carried out under general anaesthetic to ensure the patient's total comfort for the duration of the procedure

Procedure Time

60 - 180 minutes


The nipple is lifted and reshaped with the inside of the breast reshaped to redistribute volume to the upper pole, tightening the skin and achieving an aesthetically pleasing shape


Following Mastopexy surgery, patient's should expect to see a breast lift with improved shape.


Gentle showering can commence the day after surgery. Vigorous exercise and activities should be avoided for six weeks


Excess skin is permanently removed


From £8,995

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