Circumferential Body Lift

If the skin doesn’t tighten up following weight loss and you are left with saggy skin around the body, it may be necessary to perform a body lift procedure to tighten all these areas together.

A circumferential body lift does just that and will tighten the tummy, lateral thighs and lift the buttocks to improve overall contour. This gives good correction and reduces the chances of untreated areas from appearing more prominent.

Browse our FAQs to learn more about full body lift surgery, including how the procedure is carried out, recovery time and the cost.



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  • What is a Circumferential Body Lift?

    Body lift surgery is a procedure used to tighten up saggy skin that may be left over after a substantial weight loss. It works to tighten up the tummy, lateral thighs and lift the buttocks, improving your body’s contour.

  • how is the body lift procedure carried out?

    A detailed consultation with a consultant plastic surgeon is essential prior to undergoing any surgical procedure. During the consultation your surgeon will discuss any problem areas, desired improvements, options available (including no treatment at all) and expected outcomes.

    Should a Circumferential Body Lift be agreed upon as the most suitable treatment, the procedure will be carried out by your surgeon in our newly refurbished operating theatre.

    The planning and marking of this operation is done carefully to effectively remove excess tissue from around the body. This is often combined with liposuction and if indicated a little fat may be redistributed into the buttock to give more fullness and a better shape. The surgery is performed under a general anaesthetic with all incisions being closed with dissolvable stitches.

  • how does the procedure feel?

    The surgery is performed under a general anaesthetic to ensure the patient’s total comfort for the duration of the procedure.

  • is there any downtime?

    Recovery from a body lift procedure is very similar to that of an abdominoplasty. However, as the surgery goes all around the body, it requires careful positioning when resting and sleeping for a couple of weeks.

    Showering may recommence the day after surgery, with gentle exercise starting after two weeks.

    You will be given post-surgical garments to wear that will help to reduce swelling and aid in a speedy recovery.

  • I have lost a lot of weight and have folds of loose skin hanging over my Csection scar. Do I need a circumferential body lift?

    Not necessarily. Most people will get a good correction from a standard abdominoplasty. However, if you feel that your buttocks have drooped and you have a lot of loose skin over your hips and flanks, then a full body lift can be considered.

  • I’ve been told that I would be suitable for a body lift, could I get away with just having the front tightened with a tummy tuck?

    Certainly this is possible but it is important to realise what will and what wont be treated if you decide on this option. At your consultation this will be explained and the effects of the various options discussed.

  • Where will the scar be after this operation and will I be able to hide it beneath my underwear?

    The scar is carefully placed to be as within your underwear line as possible. You must appreciate that the design of underwear varies considerably and you should therefore accept that the scar may be visible.

  • I’ve got other areas of my body that I would like tightening, is it possible to do these at the same time?

    It is certainly possible to combine a body lift with other procedures to help consolidate downtime and recovery. The number of additional procedures is dependent on what needs to be done and your general health.



Anaesthetic Type

The procedure is carried out under general anaesthetic to ensure the patient's total comfort for the duration of the procedure

Procedure Time

6 hours


Excess tissue from around the body is carefully removed, often in combination with liposuction


Following surgery, patients should expect a tighter tummy and lateral thighs as well as lifted buttocks and an improved overall contour


Patients should expect to take time off work to recover from surgery, as directed by the consultant plastic surgeon during consultation. Showering may commence the day after surgery.


Excess skin and fatty tissue is permanently removed


From £17,995

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