
Facial Hair Removal & Exfoliation

Dermaplaning is a gentle but effective method of exfoliation. Coppergate Clinic’s dermaplaning treatment removes the top layer of dulling dead skin cells along with fine, vellus hair (aka peach fuzz). The purpose of a dermaplane facial is to achieve a smoother, brighter complexion.

The perfect facial before a special occasion, dermaplaning leaves skin feeling silky smooth. Plus, a dermaplaning treatment allows your makeup to sit flawlessly, so you’re ready for any occasion.

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  • what is dermaplaning?

    Dermaplaning is a facial exfoliation procedure utilising a sterile scalpel to gently remove dead skin cells and fine downy hair.

  • Will hair grow back darker or thicker after a dermaplaning treatment?

    Hair removed by dermaplaning does not grow back thicker or darker. In fact, it is physiologically impossible for a dermaplaning treatment to alter the type of hair growth on your face. Removed hair will slowly regrow just as it was before your dermaplane facial.

  • What results should I expect following my dermaplane facial?

    Following Dermaplaning treatment, the skins absorption of topical products is maximised and therefore effectiveness of active ingredients optimised. Skin texture is refined, appears smoother, brighter and clearer and make-up sits flawlessly.

  • Is Dermaplaning suitable for everyone?

    Dermaplaning is suitable for most clients, male and female. However, dermaplane facials are not recommended for those who suffer from severe, active acne.

    Unlike many facial treatments, dermaplaning is completely safe for pregnant women and is effective in the removal of increased levels of downy facial hair associated with hormonal changes.

  • How does the treatment feel?

    Clients often find dermaplaning treatment extremely relaxing. They definitely enjoy the opportunity to lie comfortably with their eyes closed during the process.

  • What dermaplaning treatments does Coppergate Clinic offer?

    We offer three levels of dermaplaning facials, ranging from simple maintenance to indulgent and relaxing treatments:

    Express – 30 mins – Full face dermaplaning facial exfoliation + express cleanse.

    Advanced – 60 mins – Full face dermaplaning facial exfoliation + deep cleanse + soothing mask.

    Deluxe – 75 mins – Full face dermaplaning exfoliation + deep cleanse + soothing mask + express Dermalux Light Therapy.



Anaesthetic Type

Pleasant and relaxing

Procedure Time

30 - 75 minutes


Facial exfoliation procedure utilising a sterile scalpel to gently remove dead skin cells and fine downy hair


Skin texture is refined, appears smoother, brighter and clearer and make-up sits flawlessly




4 - 6 weekly


£47.50 - £87.50

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