Ear Pinning / Reshaping / Repair

Otoplasty / Pinnaplasty

Being unhappy with the appearance of your ears can have a significant impact on your self-confidence and restrict your choice of hairstyle. Ears that stick out, are an unusual shape or have been damaged may be corrected by a simple surgical procedure known as Otoplasty. Otoplasty is cosmetic surgery of the ear to alter the size, position, and/or shape of the ears. Damaged or torn earlobes can also be repaired to help restore their original appearance. Whatever your concern, Coppergate Clinic has years of experience performing otoplasty procedures and will handle your surgery with care, professionalism and sensitivity.



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  • What is Otoplasty surgery?

    Otoplasty is a term used to describe a variety of surgical procedures to change the shape, position, or size of the ears. Where a patient is concerned by ears that stick out, the surgical procedure to correct their position is usually known as pinnaplasty surgery.

  • How is otoplasty surgery carried out?

    Prior to any procedure of this nature, a detailed consultation with a consultant plastic surgeon is essential. During the consultation, your surgeon will discuss any problem areas, desired improvements, options available (including no treatment at all) and expected outcomes.

    Should ear surgery be agreed upon as the most suitable treatment, the procedure will be carried out by your surgeon in our operating theatre.

    The ears are carefully assessed and marked by your surgeon. Usually, surgery is performed under a local anaesthetic and takes around one to two hours to complete; during which time you will be looked after by our experienced and caring medical team.

    After the anaesthetic is administered, small cuts are made and cartilage and soft tissue are reshaped and/or reduced to achieve a more normal contour or repair damage. Incisions are made within the natural contours of the ear, or the fold behind the ear as far as possible to minimise the appearance of scarring. The edges of the cuts are closed carefully with dissolvable stitches and dressings are applied. After the surgery is complete, you will be able to return home the same day.

  • Is there any downtime?

    The dressings are worn for around 7-10 days and are then removed. The ears will initially look a
    little bruised and swollen but this will soon settle. It is advisable to wear a head band to protect
    the ears during sleep and maintain position until the healing is well underway. You should avoid
    getting the dressings wet for the first week after surgery and avoid vigorous exercise for three to
    four weeks.

  • Can ears go back to their original position following pinnaplasty?

    After pinnaplasty surgery to correct the position of the ears, they may spring back to their original position, but this is extremely unusual. If it were to occur it is most likely to follow a knock. This is why it is essential to be very careful after surgery and protect the ears by using a headband until healing has progressed.

  • can I wash my hair after surgery?

    Whilst the dressings are in place, it is not possible to wash your hair. When they are removed after
    a week careful hair washing may be recommenced.



Anaesthetic Type

Application of either local anaesthetic at the treatment site ensures total comfort for the duration of the procedure

Procedure Time

60 - 120 minutes


Following administration of the anaesthetic, small cuts are made hidden within the natural contour of the ear. Cartilage and tissue is then re-shaped, reduced and/or repaired as required


Once post-operative swelling has subsided, patients should expect to see a more normal contour of the ears with improved shape and/or position


The dressings are worn for around 7-10 days and are then removed. The ears will initially look a little bruised and swollen but this will soon settle.


Generally speaking the new ear contour results are long-lasting



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