Exosomes Treatment

Exosomes are signalling messengers from stem cells and have a whole host of potential benefits and applications, especially for hair health.

When combined with medical micro-needling, the body’s natural regeneration and repair mechanisms are stimulated whilst the natural cell messengers that revitalise the skin from the Exosomes penetrate the skin barrier. Following the procedure with Dermalux® light therapy enhances the results for the skin further.

This combination results in enhanced skin tone, texture, plumpness and radiance and aids in addressing hair loss.

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  • what are Exosomes?

    Exosomes are signalling messengers from stem cells and have a whole host of potential benefits and applications, especially for hair health.

    Exosomes are nano-particles that are naturally released from cell, especially from stem cells. They carry genetic information, proteins, multiple growth factors, messenger RNA and have potent repair and regenerative functions.

  • how does the treatment work?

    The Exosomes are administered to the desired area via medical micro-needling. Combining the benefits of the micro-needling with the regenerative properties of the Exosomes in this way allows for great results to be achieved.

    During the procedure, your practitioner will use a medical micro-needling device to produce thousands of microscopic needle channels to the skin through which the Exosomes can penetrate the skin barrier. These channels are approximately 0.1 mm in diameter and between 0.1 mm and 1.5 mm in depth.

    The tiny punctures close very quickly, with their repair inducing the gradual formation of new collagen around the treatment site in a reaction called collagenesis. This, combined with the benefits that the Exosomes offer, can yield significant results. Following this with Dermalux® light therapy serves to enhance the results further.

    The healing process following an Exosomes treatment also stimulates rapid growth of the thin layer of cells which line capillaries and blood vessels, in turn creating new capillaries for a better blood supply to the skin. Patients will see visible skin improvements 48 hours post treatment and a reduction in hair loss in as little as 3 weeks. The most dramatic results for the skin will not be visible until 4-6 weeks post treatment and natural hair growth can be expected in as little as 2 to 3 months.


  • how is the treatment carried out?

    Prior to an Exosomes treatment, the area is cleansed and an appropriate topical anaesthetic (numbing cream) is applied approximately 30 to 45 minutes prior to the procedure. Once the treatment area is anaesthetised, the medical micro-needling device is passed back and forth over the skin/hair, creating an even pattern of minute spots of pinprick bleeding, these channels are how the Exosomes enter the targeted area. Following this Dermalux® light therapy will be used to enhance results further.

    Following the procedure, allow the Exosomes to dry on the skin without washing it off for at least 30 minutes and on the hair for 24 hours. Please use only warm water for the first wash and for hair treatments do not massage the scalp or engage in any other rough treatment of the hair. Do not apply anything on top of the skin for 6 hours, you may apply make up after 24 hours and avoid any other facial treatment for 72 hours. You may return to your normal hair care routine 48 hours after the procedure.

  • what results should I expect?

    The number of treatments required will be determined by the practitioner at your initial consultation. However, it is normally recommended that your treatment is approached as a course and for skin treatments a minimum of three sessions which are a minimum of three weeks apart is advised, whilst for hair treatments, 5 sessions a minimum of three weeks apart is advised.

    Depending on which area the Exosomes have been administered, patients can expect: rejuvenated, tighter and brighter skin, wound healing, as well as an improvement in wrinkles, skin health, hydration, open pores, hyperpigmentation, dark eye circles and melasma. They can also help to reduce redness and inflammation and the reconstruction of the skin barrier for those with eczema.

    For hair treatments, patients can expect less hair shedding/loss in as little as 3 weeks and you can expect natural hair growth in as little as 2-3 months. New hair may continue to grow over the course of a year.

    As the treatment stimulates the natural cell turnover, we recommend a 6-week gap between treatments. Visible skin improvements can be seen 48 hours post treatment. The most dramatic results will not be visible until 4-6 weeks after treatment as this is how long it takes for the body to create new, healthy collagen.

  • how does the treatment feel?

    The area is numbed prior to treatment with the application of a topical anaesthetic (numbing cream). As the Exosomes treatment begins, you will feel very little. As the treatment progresses slight sensitivity may return and you may begin to feel a slight prickling or warming sensation. We estimate the discomfort level of the micro-needling to be roughly a 1 out of 5 for the skin and 2 out of 5 for the hair. The Dermalux® light therapy however is soothing and relaxing.

    Your aesthetic therapist is aiming to achieve an even pattern of minute spots of pinprick bleeding which indicate that the procedure has been done effectively. The aesthetic therapist will continually check your comfort throughout the treatment.

  • is there any down time?

    After the treatment the targeted area will be warm, red and tingly, several clients have likened the post-procedure sensation to mild sunburn. There can also be some mild swelling which may last up to 2 days. The treated area may become dry and sometimes flaky which can last between 2 and 7 days. Hair will damp post treatment and minor swelling may occur.



Anaesthetic Type

Application of local anaesthetic at the treatment site ensures total comfort for the duration of the procedure

Procedure Time

45-75 minutes


Exosomes are nano-particles that are naturally released from cells, especially from stem cells. They carry genetic information, proteins, multiple growth factors, messenger RNA and have potent repair and regenerative functions. 


ejuvenated, tighter and brighter skin, wound healing, as well as an improvement in wrinkles, skin health, hydration, open pores, hyperpigmentation, dark eye circles and melasma. They can also help to reduce redness and inflammation and the reconstruction of the skin barrier for those with eczema.  For hair treatments, patients can expect less hair shedding/loss in as little as 3 weeks.


Erythema immediately after treatment; skin may be sensitive for a day or two, hair will be damp


For skin, a course of 3 treatments is recommended, taken at 6 weekly intervals. For hair, a course of 5 treatments is recommended.



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