Fat Transfer to Breasts

Breast augmentation fat transfer or fat grafting breast augmentation is used to give more fullness to the breast and is ideally suited to someone desiring only a very subtle enhancement. Fat may be taken from one part of the body and re-injected into another area to add volume.

Fat may be used in conjunction with an implant to add natural fullness. This complements the volume increase provided by a silicone implant and improves soft tissue cover over the implant – effectively helping to “disguise” the implant.



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  • What is a breast augmentation fat transfer?

    Fat transfer (otherwise known as fat grafting) is a process that involves harvesting fat cells from other parts of the body and injecting them into the treatment site to increase plumpness and volume.

    A breast augmentation fat transfer is used solely to give more fullness to the breast and is ideally suited to someone desiring only a very subtle enhancement. Fat may be taken from one part of the body and re-injected into another area to add volume.

  • which areas are suitable for treatment?

    As well as being effective in plumping the breasts, fat transfer can also be used on the buttocks as well as in the face, particularly around the cheeks, temples and the under-eye area.

  • How is a breast augmentation fat transfer carried out?

    As every client’s skin and goals are unique, a detailed consultation with a consultant plastic surgeon is essential before undergoing any minor surgical procedure.

    During the consultation, your surgeon will discuss any problem areas, desired improvements, options available (including no treatment at all) and expected outcomes.

    Should a fat grafting breast augmentation be agreed upon as the most suitable course of treatment, the procedure will be carried out in our newly refurbished operating theatre.

    The principles of a breast augmentation fat transfer are the same as those for face and buttock enhancements. The process involves fat harvested from an area of fullness with a simple liposuction procedure. Areas suitable for fat harvesting include the tummy, flanks, thighs and hips.

    It is essential to have enough fat available for an effective transfer and it is always important to bear in mind that top-up treatments will usually be required.

    The transferred fat cells need to be re-nourished where they are placed. It is inevitable that between 20% and 50% of the cells will not survive and will be naturally removed by the body’s cells. **

  • how many treatments will I need?

    Over a period of time, some of the relocated fat is resorbed, meaning it is usually necessary to undertake fat grafting breast augmentation as a course of 2 or 3 treatments, followed by annual or bi-annual ‘top-ups’.

  • what results should I expect?

    Breast augmentation fat transfer will result in a subtle enhancement and fullness of the breast.

  • is there any downtime?

    Generally speaking, fat removal at the donor site and reintroduction at the treatment site are both carried out using a needle, without the need for any incision or sutures. Patients will invariably experience localised bruising, redness or swelling at the injection site. However, this tends to subside around one week after the fat grafting breast augmentation treatment.

  • can I resume normal activity immediately after treatment?

    Whilst a breast augmentation fat transfer procedure is minimally invasive, it is advisable to refrain from exercise for 7-14 days post-treatment.

  • What pre and post-procedure advice must I follow?


    We are governed by CQC guidelines which state a consultation must be carried out prior to any surgical appointment being booked. The consultation must be conducted at least 2 weeks, but not more than 4 months prior to the surgery.

    On the day of treatment, patients are advised to eat and drink as normal. Eating something sugary such as a biscuit ahead of the procedure is also recommended.

    Contact lenses should be removed prior to arrival at the clinic.


    Patients should not drive for 24 hours post-procedure, therefore arrangements for a taxi or driver should be made.

  • what are the principles of breast aesthetics?

    The breast should be harmonious with the overall body shape. It should complement the female form and balance the figure. The size of the breast may reflect a person’s character and, if such a thing ever exists, perfect breasts should be symmetrical, rounded with upper pole fullness and a very slightly concave upper pole. The nipple should be situated slightly above the midpoint of the breast.

  • what factors affect breast aesthetics?

    The developing shape of the breast is determined by our genetic makeup and influenced by hormonal and other metabolic processes. Over time, the breast will undergo changes influenced by life events.

    With weight gain and loss the breast may increase and decrease in size as body fat changes. The associated skin may stretch and then slacken.

    During pregnancy, the breast volume will increase with a growth in glandular and fatty tissue. The breast will become fuller as the body prepares for lactation. During lactation, there is an increase in the size of these glandular elements.

    After pregnancy and lactation, the breast tissue will involute and as a consequence the breast will often appear under filled. The skin of the breast may become more loose, and as the suspension ligaments of the breast become stretched, the breast may become more droopy (ptotic).

    As you progress towards the menopause, the breast loses its glandular elements and becomes more fatty. The consequence of this is that the firmness and fullness of the breast decreases and they may become slightly larger.


Under-eye area

Anaesthetic Type

Application of local anaesthetic at the treatment site ensures total comfort for the duration of the procedure

Procedure Time

60 - 120 minutes


Fat cells from other parts of the body are harvested and reinjected into the treatment site to increase plumpness and volume


Patients should expect to see a subtle enhancement and fullness of the breast


Patients are advised to treat day 1 post-op as a rest day, refraining from exercise for 14 days. Bruising should be expected for around 7 days after the procedure


Annual top-ups are often beneficial to balance the breast’s ongoing loss of volume.



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