Full Face & Neck Lift

There are many different types of face and neck lift and careful evaluation of your face and discussion of your needs is essential in selecting the most appropriate technique.

With a surgical face lift, the deeper tissues of the face are lifted and tightened and several centimetres of skin are removed. The different types of face lift will give different results and it is therefore essential to appreciate what each procedure will and, more importantly, what it won’t do.

This procedure is a natural extension of the Vr lift, additionally treating the other areas of your face and neck as indicated by your needs. This will address more severe areas of sagging skin in the neck, jowl and cheek region. The upper part of the face and temple may also be tightened as needed.



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  • are there many types of facelift available?

    There are many different types of face and neck lift and careful evaluation of your face and discussion of your needs is essential in selecting the most appropriate technique.

    With a surgical face lift, the deeper tissues of the face are lifted and tightened and several centimetres of skin are removed. The different types of face lift will give different results and it is therefore essential to appreciate what each procedure will and, more importantly, what it won’t do.

  • How is the procedure carried out?

    As the needs and concerns of each patient are unique, a detailed consultation with a consultant plastic surgeon is essential prior to undergoing any surgical procedure. During the consultation, your surgeon will take this opportunity to discuss any problem areas, desired improvements, options available (including no treatment at all) and expected outcomes.

    The principles of a full face & neck lift surgery are very similar to that of the Vr Face Lift. In addition to the incisions being placed just in front of the ear, they are extended in the skin crease behind the ear and into the temple hairline.

    The procedure involves undermining the skin down into the neck and cheek allowing tightening of the underlying tissue and neck muscles. Occasionally, a small incision is needed beneath the chin to address the neck bands. The redundant skin is then lifted in an upwards and backwards direction and tightened to restore your face to a natural fresher appearance.

    This surgery is usually performed under a general anaesthetic and takes around 3-4 hours in theatre. During your stay, you will be looked after by our highly experienced and caring medical team and consultant anaesthetist.

  • Is there any downtime with a face lift and neck lift?

    Hair may be carefully washed the day after surgery using a mild shampoo and lukewarm water.
    It is helpful to sleep with a couple of extra pillows behind your shoulders to help the healing
    process. Our highly experienced medical team will be on hand to offer advice in the weeks
    following surgery. You will be seen one week after surgery for a wound check and suture removal.

  • Will the surgery make me look very different?

    Most of our patients don’t want to look radically different after facial surgery, they just want to look
    fresher and natural. This is the outcome we aim for.

  • Will all the crepey skin in my face and neck go after surgery?

    Face and neck lift surgery will reduce the amount of skin laxity by removing skin and tightening
    musculoskeletal and ligaments. It will not change the quality of the skin long term and other
    treatment options should be explored. Fine lines may be improved with dermabrasion and skin
    crepiness may be reduced with dermal conditioning, HA fillers, or fractional laser / micro-needling.

  • how long will the result last?

    Skin stretches, and whilst this is a desirable property of the skin in breast reconstruction where we
    want the skin to relax, it is undesirable in facial rejuvenation surgery, where we want the skin to
    remain tight forever. Inevitably, therefore, the skin will relax a little after surgery. However, after a
    couple of weeks it will stabilise and the result will then be maintained. Face lift surgery doesn’t
    stop the clock, it merely resets it: as time passes, the ageing process will once again continue.

  • Is the procedure suitable for men?

    Male facial surgery presents the surgeon with several challenges. The hairline tends to be higher, with the hair being shorter and thinner. This makes placing scars more difficult and can compromise the vector of pull. The hairline may not be stable, and with advancing years the hairline may recede. The beard may help or hinder scar placement. Conventional techniques may be used, with scars being placed around the ears and within the hairline.

    At consultation, the various options for scar placement will be discussed with you; with the pros and cons of each approach made clear. The principles of surgery are the same as for the female facelift discussed above.

    Another option for a man who is more concerned about the neck area is a Z Plasty Neck Lift.


Lower Face

Anaesthetic Type

Surgery is usually performed under a general anaesthetic to ensure the client’s total comfort for the duration of the procedure

Procedure Time

180 minutes


Redundant skin is then lifted in an upwards and backwards direction and tightened


The face is restored to a natural, fresher appearance


You will be seen one week after surgery for a wound check and suture removal


Whilst excess skin is permanently removed, face lift surgery doesn’t stop the clock, it merely resets it. As time passes, the ageing process will once again progress.



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