IPL Combined Facial Rejuvenation

IPL Combined Facial Rejuvenation blends the latest developments in Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology with a mild, exfoliating skin resurfacer and therapeutic DermaLux light treatment for maximum, triple-action collagen-boosting effect.



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  • what is IPL combined facial rejuvenation?

    IPL Combined Facial Rejuvenation blends the very latest developments in Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology with a mild, exfoliating skin resurfacer and therapeutic DermaLux light treatment for maximum, triple-action collagen-boosting effect. IPL facial rejuvenation works to reduce the appearance of dull and dehydrated skin, skin damage, uneven skin tone and age spots.

  • how does the treatment work?

    The Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) system emits precisely controlled, short pulses of filtered light which stimulate the fibroblast cells within the skin that produce collagen and elastin.

    Specific lesions such as thread veins, age spots and freckles can be precisely targeted resulting in a more uniform complexion. Combined with an exfoliating resurfacer treatment and restorative DermaLux light therapy, IPL facial rejuvenation promotes firmer, more radiant skin, with improved skin tone and texture.

  • is the procedure right for me?

    As every client’s body, skin and goals are unique, a detailed consultation with one of our expert aesthetic therapists is essential prior to undergoing any advanced non-surgical treatment. During the consultation, your aesthetic therapist will discuss any problem areas, desired improvements, available options (including no treatment at all) and expected outcomes. A thorough medical history will be recorded, and photographs taken to document your starting point prior to treatment.

    Most people are suitable for treatment, except for tanned or dark-skinned individuals.

    Patients must wait 6 months after giving birth (if not breastfeeding) or 6 months after ceasing breastfeeding, before undergoing this procedure. This period is necessary to allow for post-pregnancy hormones to return to a normal, consistent level.

  • how is the treatment carried out?

    Should IPL combined facial rejuvenation be agreed upon as the most suitable form of treatment, the procedure begins with a thorough cleanse of the skin, before a mild, relaxing skin resurfacer treatment is performed to exfoliate the skin and maximise the results of the intense pulsed light. With the peel removed, protective eyewear is provided and a thin layer of chilled gel is applied to the treatment area to guide the light into the skin.

    The light applicator is placed on to the skin and a short pulse of light is released. The handpiece is then moved to the neighbouring area and the process is repeated until the entire area is treated. The chilled gel is removed and the area cooled. The IPL facial rejuvenation procedure concludes with a DermaLux light therapy session to soothe the skin and further encourage collagen production.

  • what results should I expect?

    In the months following a facial rejuvenation treatment, skin tightening should increase as new collagen is produced within the dermis. Skin will be firmer, with surface imperfections such as enlarged pores and uneven skin tone reduced. Typically, three to six treatments are required to ensure maximum results. However, small lesions may clear in just a single session. Repeat treatments usually occur at four to six-week intervals, with top up treatment sessions performed annually or bi-annually, as required.

  • is there any down time?

    There is no downtime as such, indeed it is possible to have this treatment in a lunch break and return straight back to work. The skin may be quite red and slightly swollen after the IPL treatment but this usually subsides quickly.

    A small blister may form and there can be temporary lightening or darkening of the skin. You may see a darkening of any pigmented spots, before these eventually flake off over a period of anywhere from 1-2 days up to 1-2 weeks.

    If you experience swelling it is usually worse on days one and two following treatment. If swelling occurs following treatment to the facial area, sleeping with your head on raised pillows will minimise its appearance. Ice packs will also help to reduce the swelling.

    If your skin is particularly sensitive and prone to histamine reactions, you may also wish to consider taking an antihistamine medication, either once symptoms develop or prophylactically if you are expecting the treated area to swell.



Anaesthetic Type

Virtually painless, requiring no anaesthetic

Procedure Time

75 minutes


The IPL system releases precisely controlled, short pulses of filtered light that stimulate the fibroblast cells within the skin that produce collagen and elastin


Combined with an exfoliating resurfacer treatment and restorative DermaLux light therapy, Combined Facial Rejuvenation promotes firmer, more radiant skin, with improved skin tone and texture


Slight erythema immediately after treatment; skin may be sensitive for a day or two


Generally a course of 3 - 6 treatments taken at monthly intervals


£152.50 per treatment. Discounted courses available

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