IPL for Pigmentation

Our IPL treatment for pigmentation utilises the latest Intense Pulsed Light technology (IPL) to safely and effectively provide a long term solution to pigmentation concerns caused by sun damage such as freckles, sunspots and liver spots.



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  • What is IPL treatment for pigmentation?

    The IPL for pigmentation removal system uses the very latest in Intense Pulsed Light technology (IPL) to safely and effectively provide a long-term solution to pigmentation. Skin pigmentation can be caused by sun damage, and will lead to freckles, sunspots and liver spots as we age.

  • how does the treatment work?

    IPL treatment for pigmentation harnesses Intense Pulsed Light technology to remove the appearance of melanin-rich cells. The IPL system releases short pulses of filtered light that are readily absorbed by the high concentration of melanin found within freckles, sun spots and liver spots. The rapid absorption of light energy heats the melanin and causes destruction of the melanin-rich cells.

  • how is the treatment carried out?

    Prior to beginning a IPL treatment for pigmentation, a consultation is conducted in which a medical history is taken to confirm suitability for treatment. There is also an opportunity for any questions you may have to be answered and time for a small patch test to be carried out*. An IPL for pigmentation treatment begins with a thin layer of chilled cooling-gel being applied to the treatment area. The light applicator is placed on the skin and a short pulse of light is released. The applicator is then moved to the neighbouring area and the process is repeated until the entire area is treated. The chilled gel is removed and the area cooled. During your IPL for pigmentation treatment, protective eyewear will be provided. The length of each treatment will depend on the type and size of lesion present, but a typical session will take 10 to 30 minutes.

    *£20 charge for test patch, redeemable against any IPL treatment

  • am I suitable for treatment?

    Most people are suitable for treatment, except for very dark-skinned or tanned individuals. Large, dark, mottled or raised pigmentation cannot be treated, however, and may need to be checked by a dermatologist. Additionally, large, dark moles should not be treated, nor should lesions covering a large part of the body. The pigmented marks that respond best to IPL treatment for pigmentation tend to be superficial lesions caused by sun damage including sunspots and freckles.

    Patients must wait 6 months after giving birth (if not breastfeeding) or 6 months after ceasing breastfeeding, before undergoing this procedure. This period is necessary to allow for post-pregnancy hormones to return to a normal, consistent level.

  • what results should I expect?

    Following treatment, pigmented lesions such as freckles and sun spots will eventually fade and ‘flake’ away, leaving a fresher, brighter and more even complexion.

  • how many treatments will I need?

    The number of treatments will depend on the type and size of the pigmented lesion but typically 1 to 6 sessions are required at 4 to 6 week intervals.

  • how does the treatment feel?

    Treatment sensation varies but is often described as a “flick of an elastic band”. Typically no anaesthesia is required and most clients describe the discomfort as moderate and tolerable.

  • is there any down time?

    The skin that surrounds the pigmented lesion may become red immediately after treatment and may continue to feel warm for the first few days. Treated lesions will darken and may appear more obvious before they fade and ‘flake’ away. A small blister may form or the skin may temporarily become lighter or darker.



Anaesthetic Type

Occasionally mild discomfort may be experienced. Requires no anaesthetic

Procedure Time

15 - 30 minutes


Short pulses of light are released and absorbed by the high concentration of melanin found within freckles, sun spots and liver spots. Rapid absorption of light energy heats the melanin, causing destruction of the cells


Following treatment, pigmented lesions such as freckles and sun spots will eventually fade and ‘flake’ away, leaving a fresher, brighter and more even complexion


Mild crusts form, usually flaking away within 2 weeks. Full results seen around 4 weeks post treatment


1 - 4 treatments at monthly intervals


£42.50 - £102.50 per treatment. Discounted course available

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