
Abdominplasty + Liposuction

Lipoabdominoplasty involves combining an abdominoplasty or tummy tuck with liposuction and it is becoming increasingly popular, often giving an enhanced outcome. It not only allows patients to have skin tightened, but excess fatty tissue can be removed to reduce fullness, improving contour around the abdomen and other areas.

In conventional abdominoplasty, the skin and fat are mobilised by gently lifting them from the underlying body wall, whereas in lipoabdominoplasty the fat is reduced and skin mobilised by performing liposuction.



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  • what is lipoabdominoplasty?

    Lipoabdominoplasty, otherwise known as a tummy tuck with liposuction, is becoming one of our most popular treatments. This procedure not only allows patients to have their skin tightened, but excess fatty tissue can be removed to reduce fullness, improving contour around the abdomen and other areas.

    In a conventional abdominoplasty, the skin and fat are mobilised by gently lifting them from the underlying body wall, whereas with a lipoabdominoplasty the fat is reduced and skin mobilised by performing liposuction.

  • Does this mean I don't have to lose weight before surgery?

    No, liposuction should be used to improve contour and reduce diet-resistant fat pockets. You must try to get your weight down as much as is practical before lipoabdominoplasty surgery as it will improve your result and help with healing.

  • How is a lipoabdominoplasty carried out?

    A detailed consultation with a consultant plastic surgeon is essential prior to undergoing any surgical procedure. During the consultation, your surgeon will discuss any problem areas, desired improvements, options available (including no treatment at all) and expected outcomes.

    Should lipoabdominoplasty be agreed upon as the most suitable treatment, the procedure will be carried out by your surgeon in our newly refurbished operating theatre.

    Prior to surgery, the skin is carefully marked just as it would be in an abdominoplasty. The areas for liposuction are assessed and marked. The surgery is performed under a general anaesthetic and would usually involve an overnight stay. All the wounds are closed with dissolving stitches that are placed discreetly beneath the skin.

  • how does the procedure feel?

    Lipoabdominoplasty surgery is performed under a general anaesthetic to ensure the patient’s total comfort for the duration of the procedure.

  • is there any downtime?

    After lipoabdominoplasty surgery, you will find it comfortable to place a couple of pillows behind your knees while you sleep and rest to reduce the tension across the stitch line and promote healthy healing.

    You may shower the following day after surgery, all dressings used are water-resistant. You must wear a post-surgical garment for 4 to 6 weeks to help reduce swelling and speed up recovery.

    You may commence light exercise after a couple of weeks but always be guided by the medical team who will be happy to recommend exercises and discuss your queries or concerns.

  • What will the scar be like?

    The scar will usually mature to a pale line. After a few months it is quite normal for the scar to look red and lumpy, but this will gradually settle as healing progresses.

  • I occasionally smoke cigarettes, do I need to stop before surgery?

    It’s essential that smoking and the use of any nicotine supplements are stopped well before the lipoabdominoplasty surgery date. Smoking and nicotine affect the way the skin heals and greatly increases the risks of complications that can dramatically affect your result.



Anaesthetic Type

The procedure is carried out under general anaesthetic to ensure the patient's total comfort for the duration

Procedure Time

3 - 4 hours


In conventional abdominoplasty, the skin and fat are mobilised by gently lifting them from the underlying body wall, whereas in a lipoabdominoplasty the fat is reduced and skin mobilised by performing liposuction.


Skin at the treatment site is tightened and excess fatty tissue is removed to reduce fullness and improve contour


Lipoabdominoplasty surgery usually involves an overnight stay in one of our luxurious bedrooms. Showering may commence the day after surgery.


Excess skin and fatty tissue is permanently removed


From £10,600

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