
Nose Reshaping

Rhinoplasty surgery, commonly known as a ‘nose job’, is an operation to reshape the nose. It is one of the most common plastic surgeries.

Many people are self-conscious about the shape of their nose and have rhinoplasty for cosmetic reasons. Because the nose is central to the face, the most subtle of changes to the size, shape and position of the nose can result in a more harmonious balance of facial features.

There are limits to how much a nose can be altered. The final result of rhinoplasty surgery will depend on the size of your nose, the condition of your skin and your age, all of which will be assessed and discussed during consultation prior to surgery.



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  • What is nose reshaping?

    Rhinoplasty (often referred to as a ‘nose job’) is surgery to reshape the nose. Rhinoplasty surgery can be used to address a range of concerns relating to the aesthetics of the nose, including to-

    -Increase or reduce the size of the nose

    -Change the shape of the tip and/or bridge of the nose and nostrils

    -Change the angle between the nose and upper lip

    -Straighten the septum (the part of the nose that separates the nostrils)

  • is the procedure right for me?

    A detailed consultation with your consultant plastic surgeon is essential prior to undergoing any surgical procedure. During the consultation, your surgeon will discuss your area/s of concern, desired improvements, options available (including no treatment at all) and expected outcomes. Your surgeon will examine your face and bone structure and may take some photographs for your medical records. You will be given a ‘cooling-off’ period of at least 2 weeks between initial consultation and the date of your operation to ensure you have ample time to reflect on all aspects of the procedure before proceeding (although please bear in mind the waiting lists for our surgeons mean this period is invariably significantly longer).

  • How is rhinoplasty carried out?

    Should rhinoplasty surgery be agreed upon as the most suitable treatment, the procedure will be carried out by your surgeon in our state-of-the-art operating theatre.

    Rhinoplasty to change the shape of the nose is performed either from inside the nostrils (called closed rhinoplasty) or by making a small cut between the nostrils and lifting the skin, as shown opposite (this is called open rhinoplasty). The precise nature of the operation will depend on the area of the nose that is being treated. The scar may be straight, V-shaped or zigzag.

    Changing the ridge of the nose
    If the bridge of the nose is being operated on, the surgeon removes the bone and cartilage that is causing the ‘hump’. The nose may then be broken so the remaining pieces of bone can be moved closer together to narrow the nose.

    Changing the tip of the nose
    If the tip of the nose is being operated on, the cartilage that makes up the support under the tip needs to be partly removed or reshaped. This can be done through closed or open rhinoplasty.

    Changing the length of the nose
    Your surgeon will adjust and reduce the septum, to help shrink the tip and reduce the overall length of the nose. Adjusting the cartilage at the tip of the nose can also reduce the length of the nose.

    Changing the width of the nose
    Your surgeon can reduce the width of the nose, to make it narrower, by breaking the bone and repositioning it.

    Increasing the bridge or tip of the nose
    Surgeons can use bone or cartilage, or an implant, to change the contour of a ‘flat’ bridge or tip. This is called additional rhinoplasty or augmentation rhinoplasty. The bone or cartilage used can be taken from the nose (the nasal bone or the septum), or from other places such as the rib, hip, or ear.

    Changing the septum
    If your nose has been flattened by an injury, the septum could be buckled, making breathing difficult. This can sometimes be altered at the same time as the surgery explained on the previous page, or as a separate operation.

  • is there any downtime?

    Immediately after a rhinoplasty procedure, pain, swelling, and bruising around your nose is to be expected, and can usually be managed very successfully with simple, over the counter pain relief.

    Because no two patients follow an identical recovery trajectory, it is generally recommended to allow for two weeks off of work. Around two days post-op, most patients can comfortably resume day to day physical activities but strenuous activities or anything that risks knocking your nose area should be avoided for four to six weeks. It is relatively common for rhinoplasty patients to experience nose bleeds for the first few days after surgery.

    There will be bruising and swelling, particularly around the sensitive eye area, which may take around three weeks to settle. Most closed rhinoplasty operations will take around two weeks to settle but if your nose is broken (as part of a re-shaping process) there will be some bruising around the eyes for longer. Open surgery will usually take four to six weeks to heal.

  • Will there be any long-term changes to my nose sensation?

    Initially, your nose will feel numb and stiff, with the numbness usually disappearing gradually over a period of a couple of months. The sensation of stiffness, on the other hand, tends to be permanent and your post-surgery nose may feel hard to the touch.



Anaesthetic Type

The procedure is carried out under general anaesthetic to ensure the patient's total comfort for the duration of the procedure

Procedure Time

120 minutes +


A variety of specialised techniques are adopted, specific to the type of rhinoplasty surgery being performed. These will be discussed in detail during consultation


Results can be seen once sutures have been removed and post operative swelling has subsided, usually around 8 weeks post surgery


Moderate swelling and bruising are to be expected after this procedure, the extent of swelling and length of downtime are dependant on the surgical techniques adopted. More detailed guidance will be provided during consultation


Generally speaking, rhinoplasty results are long-lasting and do not tend to require further treatment



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