Scar Revision Surgery

Any cut through the skin will cause a scar to form. The natural healing process always follows the same paths, however, the time it takes and the amount of scar tissue that is formed varies from individual to individual. Typically scars will become red and lumpy before eventually settling to be softer and pale.

If given adequate time, most scars will settle to be acceptable, although it can often take in excess of 18 months to get to this point. If, after the maturation stage is complete, the appearance of the scar is still of concern, it may be possible to perform surgical scar revision on the affected area to try to improve the nature of the scar.

This needs to be done with careful consideration as there is no guarantee that the end result will be better.



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  • What is scar revision surgery?

    Any cut through the skin will cause a scar to form. The natural healing process always follows the same path however the time it takes and the amount of scar tissue that is formed varies from individual to individual. Typically scars will become red and lumpy and eventually settle to be softer and pale.

    Scars on facial skin generally heal and mature quite quickly, whereas scars on the chest and upper arm are notorious for slow healing and maturation (hypertrophic scars).

    After the wound has healed sufficiently, moisturiser may be applied and the scar gently massaged to help speed up the collagen breakdown. Proprietary topical silicone scar gels can also help with hydrating the scar and can help. However, if none of the above works to reduce the appearance of the scar, surgical scar revision can be considered.

  • How is the procedure carried out?

    A detailed consultation with a consultant plastic surgeon is essential prior to undergoing a surgical scar revision procedure. During the consultation, your surgeon will discuss any problem areas, desired improvements, options available (including no treatment at all), and expected outcomes. It is vital that prospective scar revision surgery patients understand the expectations and limitations on end results before making a decision to proceed with the procedure.

    Should scar revision surgery be agreed upon as the most suitable treatment, the procedure will be carried out by your surgeon in our newly refurbished operating theatre.

    Following the administration of an appropriate anaesthetic, the scar may be excised and carefully resutured. Long lasting stitches under the skin may be used to support the scar as it heals.

    Scars may be disguised by converting them to a zig zag or W plasty. Scars may be redirected and lengthened using a Z plasty. Scars may be flattened by using dermabrasion.

    During the scar revision surgery, tethered and indented scars may be released by dividing the tight bands under the skin using a needle in a technique called subcision.

  • How do I know if my scar is suitable for scar revision surgery?

    If the following factors are present it may be worth considering surgical revision:

    – Poor healing of the initial repair due to infection or wound breakdown

    – Ingrained dirt

    – Banding

    – Poor scar direction

    – Poor repair technique used in initial wound closure

    – Stretching

    – Indentation or tethering

  • how does the procedure feel?

    Scar revision surgery is performed under either local or general anaesthetic, as appropriate, to ensure your total comfort for the duration of the procedure.

  • Are there any non-surgical alternatives to Scar Revision Surgery?

    For patients preferring to avoid further surgery, the following non-surgical procedures are available at the clinic and may be effective in lessening the appearance of scar tissue.

    Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing may be used to take the redness out of a scar and help to soften it a little. The laser can be used in a similar way as dermabrasion to flatten the scar to improve contour.

    Medical Micro-Needling can be used to stimulate natural maturation and encourage softening.

    Dermal Filler may be used to lift contour irregularities.

  • Will my scar vanish after plastic surgery?

    This will never happen but hopefully the scar will be less noticeable.



Anaesthetic Type

Application of either local or general anaesthetic at the treatment site ensures total comfort for the duration of the procedure

Procedure Time

45 - 120 minutes


Following the administration of an appropriate anaesthetic the scar may be excised and carefully re sutured. Long lasting stitches under the skin may be used to support they scar as it heals


Scarring will be as discreet and neat as possible to give skin the best chance of achieving satisfactory healing


Following surgery, patients are usually able to return home that day


There is usually no need to revisit the treatment site for further treatment once Scar Revision Surgery is completed



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