Tear Trough Correction

Treatment for under-eye bags and dark circles

Tear trough correction is a quick, safe and minimally invasive, non-surgical procedure designed to lessen the appearance of dark under-eye shadows.

Treatment restores volume to the under-eye area, reducing the appearance of dark circles and rejuvenating the face without the associated risks of general anaesthetic or the downtime of surgery.

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  • What is tear trough correction?

    Tear trough correction is a non-surgical procedure that restores volume to the under-eye area.

    The treat trough treatment works to reduce the appearance of dark circles and rejuvenates the face without the hassle of intense anaesthetic or downtime.

    Our dermal tear trough fillers use fluids that are based on hyaluronic acid (a natural tissue created by your body). Our Coppergate Clinic practitioners then use these fillers to deliver tear trough correction treatment safely and effectively.

  • How does tear trough correction work?

    During the tear trough correction, the injected dermal filler plumps and fills the trough below the eye-bag. This lifts the cheek, providing a much more natural contour between the eye bag and the cheek.

    The dermal filler effectively masks the appearance of dark eye bags. With the depression reduced, the appearance of dark circles is also dramatically improved.

  • How is this tear trough treatment carried out?

    During tear trough correction, the skin is cleansed. An appropriate topical anaesthetic (numbing cream) may be applied to the area for 30 minutes before the treatment. However, it is common that no anaesthetic cream is required. The dermal filler is injected with a micro-cannula under the skin surface along the line of the hollow.

  • What results should I expect following my tear trough correction?

    Following your treatment, you should expect to see an instant and dramatic reduction in the appearance of dark circles and under your eye bag. You should not experience any effect on your facial expressions after tear trough correction.

  • How does tear trough correction feel?

    The dermal filler used in tear trough correction contains pain-reducing lidocaine (a local anaesthetic) for a comfortable treatment experience; however, an additional topic anaesthetic (numbing cream) may be applied to ensure you’re as comfortable as possible.

  • Is there any downtime after this tear trough treatment?

    Immediately after the tear trough correction treatment, there may be some slight bruising, swelling and redness around the treated area. However, symptoms are usually mild and short-lived.



Undereye Bags
Dark Circles

Anaesthetic Type

Application of local anaesthetic at the treatment site ensures total comfort for the duration of the procedure

Procedure Time

45 minutes


Tear trough treatment is the injection of a transparent dermal filler in to the undereye area to reduce the appearance of dark circles and undereye bags


The undereye hollows responsible for the appearance of dark circles and undereye bags are instantly and visibly reduced


Immediately after the treatment there may be some slight swelling and redness. Bruising at the injection site may occur and cannot be predicted


To maintain the effects of tear trough treatment, the procedure may need to be repeated approximately 1-2 times per year


From £515

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