Thigh Lift

Thigh Reduction Surgery

As we age and/or lose weight, the skin of the thighs can become loose and saggy. This can become a problem for many people. Particularly as redundant pockets of fat can be difficult to reduce with exercise and dieting alone.

Thigh lift surgery is a procedure that not only tightens skin but enables fat to be removed to improve contour. There are many variants of the thigh lift, depending on what needs correcting.



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  • what is a thigh lift?

    A thigh lift is a surgical procedure designed to remove excess skin and fat from the inside and or outside of the thighs. Patients often opt for thigh lift surgery as a method of dealing with a stubborn area that has not responded adequately to diet and exercise.

  • how is the procedure carried out?

    As is necessary for any procedure, you will be required to undertake a detailed consultation with a consultant plastic surgeon. During the consultation, the surgeon will discuss any problem areas, desired improvements, options available (including no treatment at all), and expected outcomes.

    Should thigh lift surgery be agreed upon as the most suitable treatment, the procedure will be carried out by your surgeon in our state-of-the-art operating theatre.

    During the thigh lift surgery, you will be looked after by our highly experienced and caring medical team.

  • How does a thigh lift procedure feel?

    Thigh lift surgery may be performed under a local or a general anaesthetic depending on preference and advice. This ensures the patient’s total comfort for the duration of the procedure.

  • what results should I expect?

    Following thigh lift surgery, patients should expect to see tighter skin and improved contour at the treatment site.

  • Will the area be painful after surgery?

    Following thigh lift surgery, patients can expect considerable bruising and swelling which will be uncomfortable and at times, painful. You are likely to need simple pain killers for the first days after the operation.  It is usual to take around 7-10 days off work to aid recovery. Showering is permitted on the second post-operative day. The provided snug pressure garment must be worn to reduce swelling but may be taken off to quickly shower and replaced thereafter. Depending on your individual post-operative recovery, your surgeon will advise on when is acceptable to resume exercise.

  • is there any downtime?

    Patients may shower the day after your thigh lift surgery, trying to ensure that the dressings stay in place. The garment needs to be worn for around four to six weeks, helping to smooth out swelling and speed up recovery. Patients may start very gentle exercise upon their surgeons say-so slowly building up to a normal exercise regime, usually around six weeks after surgery.



Anaesthetic Type

The procedure is carried out under local or general anaesthetic to ensure the patient's total comfort for the duration of the procedure

Procedure Time

4 hours


Redundant skin is gently removed and the edges sealed with dissolvable stitches


Following surgery, patients should expect to see tighter skin and improved contour at the treatment site


Gentle showering may commence the day after surgery with light exercise possible immediately


Excess skin and fat are permanently removed


From £7,495

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