Vr Facelift

The Vr stands for Vertical vector, ‘r’ incision face lift. It was developed at the York clinic to give patients the option of a procedure that gives definite subtle improvement to the jowl area whilst being performed safely and easily under local anaesthetic. Permanent deep sutures are used which is similar to the technique used in a full face and neck lift.

The ideal patient for this type of procedure is someone with mild to moderate jowl laxity and reasonable quality skin. This is not a neck lift, so patients with specific issues around neck laxity should consider a procedure tailored to that area. However, it is common for some Vr patients to report some improvement in neck skin laxity. In this type of patient, any emptiness of the upper cheek is best treated with volume replacement rather mid facial lifting.



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  • Are there many types of facelift available?

    There are many different types of face lift. Therefore, careful evaluation of your face and discussion of your needs is essential in selecting the most appropriate technique. With a surgical lift, the deeper tissues of the face are lifted and tightened and several centimetres of skin are removed.

    The different types of face lift will give different results and it is therefore very important to appreciate what each procedure will, and more importantly, won’t do. Most people seeking surgery request a result that whilst freshening and rejuvenating retains a natural appearance.


  • how is a Vr facelift carried out?

    Prior to undergoing a procedure of this nature, it is essential to have a detailed consultation with a consultant plastic surgeon. During the consultation, your surgeon will discuss any problem areas, desired improvements, options available (including no treatment), and expected outcomes.

    Should the Vr Facelift surgery be agreed upon as the most suitable treatment, the procedure will be carried out by your surgeon in our operating theatre. It will be performed under local anaesthetic to ensure the patient’s total comfort for the duration of the procedure.

    The skin is carefully cleaned and marked. After, the skin is numbed in front of the ear and a small
    cut is made to sit within the nooks and crannies of the ear and hairline which is designed to hide
    the scar in natural lines. The skin in front of the ear is carefully lifted from the deeper tissues and
    several tightening stitches are then placed to lift the muscles and ligaments. The redundant skin is
    then lifted in an upward direction with any excess being trimmed accurately away. Usually around
    2.5 – 3.0 cm of skin is removed on each side. The edges of the cuts are very carefully closed to
    give discrete and often hidden incision lines.

    The procedure takes a little over 2 hours to perform, and throughout the procedure you will be
    looked after by our highly experienced and caring medical team.

  • Is there any downtime?

    Recovery is fairly quick, with most patients experiencing only minor discomfort and bruising. The stitches are gently removed after one week and advice on further care is given.

  • will this surgery improve my neck?

    The Vr lift will give a very limited improvement in the neck. Its main effect will be on the jowl and
    jawline, giving a subtle natural improvement to these areas.

  • how long will the result last?

    Unfortunately skin stretches, and whilst this is a desirable property of the skin in breast reconstruction where we want the skin to relax, it is undesirable in facial rejuvenation surgery
    where we want the skin to remain tight for ever.

    Inevitably, therefore, the skin will relax a little after surgery. However, after a couple of weeks it will stabilise and the result will then be maintained. Facelift surgery doesn’t stop the clock, it merely resets it. As time passes, the ageing process will once again progress.

  • Are the scars noticable?

    Whenever we cut ourselves on a part of our body, we get a scar. Unlike some areas of the body,
    facial skin generally heals very well, and within a couple of months any scaring should appear as
    fine pale lines. There are rare exceptions when lumpy scars may form due to the genetic make up
    of the individual. The scars are carefully placed around the nooks and crannies of the ear and
    within the hairline to ensure that they are near natural features.

  • will all the crepey skin in my face and neck go after surgery?

    Face and neck lift surgery will reduce the amount of skin laxity by reducing skin and tightening muscles and ligaments. It will not change the quality of the skin long term and other treatment options should be explored. Fine lines may be improved with dermabrasion and skin crepiness may be reduced with dermal conditioning, HA fillers, or fractional laser / micro-needling.

  • Can this be combined with any other procedures?

    Yes, we commonly perform upper eyelid surgery at the same time, a combination that works well. Adding volume to the cheeks will give some mid facial improvement, again enhancing the results.


Lower Face

Anaesthetic Type

Application of local anaesthetic at the treatment site ensures total comfort for the duration of the procedure

Procedure Time

150 minutes


An incision is made in front of the ear on each side of the face. Lax, excess skin is removed and deep sutures are placed to tighten facial ligaments


The main effect of Vr facelift surgery will be on the jowl and jawline, giving a subtle natural improvement to these areas


Recovery is fairly quick, with most patients experiencing only minor discomfort and bruising. The stitches are gently removed after one week and advice on further care is given.


Whilst excess skin is permanently removed, face lift surgery doesn’t stop the clock, it merely resets it. As time passes, the ageing process will once again progress.


Vr Face Lift£6,495

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